ministry Celebration (july 30, 2023)

Children's Ministry

Pre-Teen Ministry

SonRise, Children & Preteen Highlights  Holly Phillips
  • April 26th and 27th Knoxville Zoomobile brought live animals to visit SonRise Preschool.
  • April 26th MVBC Preteens took cookies to the Maryville City police department.
  • May 10th and 11th SonRise Preschool Graduation
  • May 17th MV Kids Club school’s out celebration.
  • May 31st The Preteens ate dinner then handed out MV care cards at Walmart.
  • June 7th MV Kids Summer kick off. We had dinner at the church and worked on thank you cards for CBF missionaries.
  • June 12th-15th Stellar Vacation Bible School with 101 kids, youth, & volunteers.
  • June 13th SonRise six-week summer program began.
  • June 21st MV kids had lunch and went to a movie.
  • June 28th MV kids had dinner then worked on thank-you cards for Maryville Fire Department. The Preteens delivered the the cards and cookies.
  • July 5th MV kids had lunch and went bowling.
  • July 12th MV kids had dinner then watched a movie at the church. Preteens went to Walmart to purchase cleaning supplies for the Baptist Center.
  • July 14th Preteens and upcoming preteens went to Main Event in Knoxville.
  • July 19th Back to school family pool party at John Sevier pool. Food was collected for the blessing box.
  • July 30th Promotion Sunday
  • August 7th Wednesday night activities return. We will be meeting 6:00-7:30 and we will feed the kids dinner. Our Wednesday Night Kid’s Club activities will focus on missions which will include projects and mini mission trips for our older kids. We will learn how important it is to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
  • August 7th & 8th SonRise Teacher Orientation and Training.
  • August 8th SonRise Parent Orientation.
  • August 14th SonRise Preschool begins.

Property resources

Properties Committee Highlights   Holly Phillips
 Work was completed on the floor under the door of the downstairs welcome area.
 A broken window was replaced in the fellowship hall door.
 The roof of the education building was replaced.
 The lines of the spaces in the parking lot were repainted.
 Sidewalk repairs were made.
 Walls in the downstairs welcome area repainted/ touchups through the building.
 All emergency exit signs were checked and batteries were replaced.
 On the recommendation of a professional, the dying dogwood trees next to Dairy
Queen were removed. Surviving trees are being cared for by our lawn service.
 Plumbing repairs were made to multiple toilets throughout the building.
 A mailbox was placed at the entrance of the building under the carport.
 Our new bus was delivered on April 14th. Members of our church family have been safely transported to outings and events including the youth to Fuge camp which also involved daily trips to serve at Phyllis Wheatly Community Center in Greenville, S.C., Panchos Mexican restaurant for taco Tuesday, to Anakeesta in Gatlinburg, white water rafting, and to serve at Second Harvest. The kids went bowling, to Walmart to hand out MV care cards, to the movies, to the Main Event in Knoxville, took cookies and thank you cards to the Maryville city fire department and police department, and to purchase cleaning supplies for the Baptist center. The bus was used to transport items to John Sevier pool for our family pool party. A ladies Bible study group also used the bus for an outing.

*On several of the occasions that the bus was used, a second vehicle also had to be used because the bus could not seat all the individuals participating in the outing. A fund has been established for the purchase of a second vehicle which has approximately $25,000.*

Student ministry

Students Highlights Chris Gilliland
MVS began the quarter recognizing our graduates and showing our support as we attended area ceremonies. We then kicked off our summer opportunities to get together with Taco Tuesday on May 30, where we enjoyed a meal together at Pancho’s. We also offered a movie night on June 26, community service at Second Harvest followed by dinner on July 1, Sundae on Monday on July 10, family pool party on July 19, and are finishing with a whitewater rafting trip down the Ocoee on July 29. In addition to these opportunities, thirteen students and adults participated in mission projects, Bible studies, nightly worship, and fun activities with MFuge at North Greenville University June 5-10, and several students assisted and participated in the MVBC VBS “Stellar” June 12-15.

Alcoa schools are already in session and Maryville City and Blount County return this week. Also returning this week is our weekly MVS Wednesday nights at 6:30pm with
dinner, activities, and Bible study. MVS will have a family night August 6, 6:30-8:30pm. Current and upcoming students and their families are invited to enjoy dinner and treats from Chuck’s Concessions and participate in activities.

Impact TEam

Impact Team Highlights Chris Gilliland
Yes, our name is changing to the Impact Team as we hope to equip MVBC in impacting our community, region, and around the world as we support and participate in ministry and service opportunities together. One way we do that is sharing opportunities through the dollar -in-the-pew. Dollar in the pew recipients this quarter are The Longer Table
($1059), Pregnancy Resource Center ($904), Operation Kid to Kid ($1367.33), and Mid East Community Action Agency ($1727.33).

We also hope to impact our community through sharing the Gospel, good new of Jesus, and the impact He has on our lives through Everyday Evangelism. We had our first
session on July 9. Those who participated were encouraged and challenged to consider how we can share Jesus in our everyday lives. The session was so well received that another session will be coming soon if you missed the first one. MVBC will host a mobile food pantry on August 19 from 9:00-11:00am. Packing will take place on Friday August 18 from 1:30-2:30pm and 6:00-7:00pm. Hope you will find a place to assist in getting food to families in our community. As we look ahead, we are prayerfully discussing more ways to share our story, partner with those impacting our community, and provide opportunities for you to get involved.

Senior adults

Senior Adults / Pastoral Care Highlights Bob Dalton
DivorceCare – For the past several years Monte Vista has offered DivorceCare (13weekly sessions) two times per year (fall series and spring series). Our main goal has always been to help individuals work through the brokenness that usually accompanies the separation/divorce experience, thus, enabling them, with God’s help, to progressively get on with their lives. During our spring series which ended June 7th, we had a total enrollment of nine men and women. The Fall series is set to begin on September 13, 6:00 - 8:00 in room 341. If you know of someone who might benefit from this ministry, please refer them to Carolyn and/or me.

Homebound Ministry – Thirty-three precious persons are currently listed on Monte Vista’s homebound list. My main objective in this ministry continues to be to regularly
relate to each of them and their care givers through visits, phone calls, etc. In addition, I strive to give special attention to each homebound person and family in times of crisis.

Senior Adults - This is a broad ministry involving the largest age group in our church (ages 50 +). Areas of senior adult ministry include spiritual formation, learning
opportunities, fellowship, service opportunities, and services needed. Having begun monthly meetings again in February after a two-year break for Covid, our senior group has adopted the new name LIFE (Living It Fully Every Day). Food, fellowship, and fine programs which had previously been in the makeup of our monthly get-togethers are happening again - usually on the first Tuesday of each month. Our leaders and planners Carlene and Richard Talley, Barbara Lowe, Reg and Joyce Garmeson, and Montee and Vicki Callahan are serving us well.

Pastoral Ministries – Being a part of Monte Vista’s ongoing pastoral ministries in conjunction with other staff and our fine deacons is a valued endeavor. On one hand, I
have been privileged to have many opportunities to minister to troubled and hurting people, and, on the other hand, I have gotten to rejoice and celebrate with people who
have seen the hand of God work victoriously in their lives. Information and Suggestions Valued – As always when you suspect that our ministers might not know about a ministry need please inform us. Even if we do already know, your caring action will be appreciated, and, of course, your help and suggestions are always welcome

worship ministry

Music/Technology/Connect Team Highlights Cliff Kosier
Connect Team: 
The past three months have been busy for this team as we have hosted several events even in the absence of Cliff Kosier.

Where we have been: 
June 4 – Cooking Class: with Angie Wood
June 11 – Ice Cream Freeze Off: Church-wide
July 2 – Freedom Celebration: Church-wide
Where we are going: 
September - Men’s Ministry Kicks Off Fellowship Breakfast (9/9/23)   Men’s Axe Throwing Event: TBA  Family Game Night: TBA
October 29 – Church – Wide Luncheon (ONE SERVICE); Ministry Celebration
November – Thanksgiving Meal, Holiday Cooking Class, Decorate Sanctuary  (11/26/23)
December – 1st Day of Advent (12/3/23), Christmas Devotional Series Online,

Connecting on our App, signing up for Messaging, and check-ins.  All on our App now. 

Worship Ministry
 The Worship Ministry has been under the direction of Ronald Kooch for the past two   months. We are grateful for his leadership in worship and with the Praise Band and  Praise Team. The Sanctuary Choir has been on sabbatical, along with Cliff but will  return to the worship services very soon.  Our schedules will begin to kick up soon.

Where we have been?
Worship Ministry Lunch Bunch: May 28, and June 25
July 17 – 20 – Music Camp
Our Media Team continues to work on better streaming for our services.  Recently we were able to connect our Lyrics Computer alongside our Streaming  Computer to provide a better and smoother experience for those online.
Where we are going:
August 2: Choir begins - 6:30 pm – The Praise Team and Band will resume  rehearsals following choir at 8:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
September: Adult Handbells will begin – TBA
Worship Ministry - Lunch Bunch: August 27, September 24,

Pastor's Highlight/ Engage Team

Engage Team/ Pastor’s Highlights Jerry Mantooth

 Pentecost & the Holy Spirit Preaching Series
 ReShape Update
 Participation in CBF General Assembly
 Relationship with the Southern Baptist Convention

Engage Team
Jesus helped his disciples engage in a deeper understanding and relationship with God before sending them out on mission. We are using his model to shape our model for helping people engage with God and be prepared to go out on mission. A few of the things identified in Jesus’ model are:
·Preparing himself
·Asking for a commitment
·Challenging the thinking of culture and established religion
·Offering a more authentic picture of God
·On the job training

Our theme for this year is “Becoming One with Jesus.” To help us discover and define who we are and who God is calling us to be, we are looking at several tools: “Dawnings,” a CBF resource on discernment and identifying our call; and Enneagram, a personal inventory that helps us understand who God has created us to be. In the fall, we are planning to introduce home groups that focus intentionally on prayer. On the drawing board is an experiential learning event – a racial justice pilgrimage to sites across the south.