EasterTide Meditations (Between the Resurrection and Ascension)
May 17, 2022
“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him.
“Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read,
“‘From the lips of children and infants
you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?” (Matthew 21:16)
Have you ever wondered why God loves to hear us praise Him? I have. When we, as imperfect people, praise God, does He enjoy the sound he hears? When a group sings to Him, a person shouts to Him, we lift our hands in praise, or a choir sing to him, is that honoring to God? For me, I ponder on how He could love the sounds we lay at His feet sometimes, such imperfection! But I am reminded that is how the world looks at these praises. God looks at the heart and the attitude with which it is given. Consider Cain and Abel. The Bible tells us that Cain did not bring his best to Lord as an offering and his attitude was lacking, so God did not accept his offering, but Abel brought his best lambs to sacrifice to God and God blessed him because his attitude and heart was in the right place. The lesson here is simply this: No matter what we bring we need to always bring our best in the most excellent manner we can. It will not be perfect for no one is perfect, but if our hearts are right with God and our attitude is that of a child, in our innocence God will accept whatever we have to offer, no matter the outcome. It is the heart that matters to God. That is why Jesus responded to those around him, “From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise.” In all our imperfections, God accepts what we have to offer if our heart and attitude is right. Be encouraged in any praise you give to our God because He smiles at you.
Song: The Heart of Worship (Phillips, Craig and Dean)
“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him.
“Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read,
“‘From the lips of children and infants
you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?” (Matthew 21:16)
Have you ever wondered why God loves to hear us praise Him? I have. When we, as imperfect people, praise God, does He enjoy the sound he hears? When a group sings to Him, a person shouts to Him, we lift our hands in praise, or a choir sing to him, is that honoring to God? For me, I ponder on how He could love the sounds we lay at His feet sometimes, such imperfection! But I am reminded that is how the world looks at these praises. God looks at the heart and the attitude with which it is given. Consider Cain and Abel. The Bible tells us that Cain did not bring his best to Lord as an offering and his attitude was lacking, so God did not accept his offering, but Abel brought his best lambs to sacrifice to God and God blessed him because his attitude and heart was in the right place. The lesson here is simply this: No matter what we bring we need to always bring our best in the most excellent manner we can. It will not be perfect for no one is perfect, but if our hearts are right with God and our attitude is that of a child, in our innocence God will accept whatever we have to offer, no matter the outcome. It is the heart that matters to God. That is why Jesus responded to those around him, “From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise.” In all our imperfections, God accepts what we have to offer if our heart and attitude is right. Be encouraged in any praise you give to our God because He smiles at you.
Song: The Heart of Worship (Phillips, Craig and Dean)
May 12, 2022
A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart. (Luke 6:45)
Here we find Jesus’ teaching about the fruit our lives will show according to what is in our heart. People with good intentions often let the emotions of their heart take over without taking an inventory of the good and bad that the heart possesses. Jesus reminds us that whatever is in our hearts is what will flow out of our mouths.
It appears to me that many in the world today are careless about the words, texts or emails that come out of their hearts because they need to speak their mind. But at what cost? People haphazardly display actions that are less than pure, forgetting that we all are humans and must live together on the same planet. If what flows out of your heart is selfish desires, then the actions that follow will be for your own gain. If your heart is based on fear, then the actions that follow will be measured and cautious. The same with hearts that possess lust, deceitfulness, lying, exaggeration, or self-promotion. The point is that Jesus warned the disciples to be careful of what is placed in the heart. Be mindful of what you read, watch; listen, and be attentive of who you hang around. Sometimes those who surround us have the biggest impact. Every influence of the heart through our vision, touch, and hearing affects the heart. What flows into the heart, also flows out.
Words are powerful and once they come out of our mouths; they cannot be taken back. Apologies only heal hurts part of the way. Fortunately, the heart forgives easily but does not always forget. So, what am I trying to say? Be mindful of what you say and do; make sure that what flows out of your heart is done with pure intentions. It may work for good and uplift another, or the words you say may the very things that trips up a brother or sister. What treasury does your heart hold? And if you have been hurt by someone with a less than clean heart and are heart -broken. Then my encouragement for you is that Jesus is the friend who can heal your heart.
Song: “Clean Heart” (Matt Mahler)
“Friend of Wounded Heart” (Brooklyn Tabernacle)
A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart. (Luke 6:45)
Here we find Jesus’ teaching about the fruit our lives will show according to what is in our heart. People with good intentions often let the emotions of their heart take over without taking an inventory of the good and bad that the heart possesses. Jesus reminds us that whatever is in our hearts is what will flow out of our mouths.
It appears to me that many in the world today are careless about the words, texts or emails that come out of their hearts because they need to speak their mind. But at what cost? People haphazardly display actions that are less than pure, forgetting that we all are humans and must live together on the same planet. If what flows out of your heart is selfish desires, then the actions that follow will be for your own gain. If your heart is based on fear, then the actions that follow will be measured and cautious. The same with hearts that possess lust, deceitfulness, lying, exaggeration, or self-promotion. The point is that Jesus warned the disciples to be careful of what is placed in the heart. Be mindful of what you read, watch; listen, and be attentive of who you hang around. Sometimes those who surround us have the biggest impact. Every influence of the heart through our vision, touch, and hearing affects the heart. What flows into the heart, also flows out.
Words are powerful and once they come out of our mouths; they cannot be taken back. Apologies only heal hurts part of the way. Fortunately, the heart forgives easily but does not always forget. So, what am I trying to say? Be mindful of what you say and do; make sure that what flows out of your heart is done with pure intentions. It may work for good and uplift another, or the words you say may the very things that trips up a brother or sister. What treasury does your heart hold? And if you have been hurt by someone with a less than clean heart and are heart -broken. Then my encouragement for you is that Jesus is the friend who can heal your heart.
Song: “Clean Heart” (Matt Mahler)
“Friend of Wounded Heart” (Brooklyn Tabernacle)
May 10, 2022: Luke 6:12 says this about Jesus, “In these days, Jesus went out to the mountain to pray; and all night he continued in prayer to God.” If we take our cues from the life of Jesus, then we must realize that we also must spend time in prayer. Life is busy and most of us are lucky just getting through the day to finish each task that is placed before us. However, Luke recorded that Jesus was constantly in prayer to His Father in heaven; he was getting the instructions for the day or maybe the tasks that must be accomplished that week. If we do not take time in prayer, then we are roaming aimlessly in the dark and we will not know what God has planned for us. Realize that prayer is more than just telling God all our problems and the things we dislike about our lives; it is becoming so close to His spirit that we know when God has made a holy appointment for us in our lives. We seek what God is doing in our lives and in the world. That holy appointment may be providing encouragement, pointing others to God, or correcting injustice. The point is that we all must take time to pray each day so God can fill us with his truth and send us out with our marching orders. Prayer is building a relationship with God the Father and Jesus the Son while listening to His Holy Spirit to guide us on our journey. Consider this prayer of St. Patrick:
Christ be with me, Christ within me
Christ behind me, Christ before me
Christ beside me, Christ to win me
Christ to comfort and restore me
Christ above me, Christ beneath me
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger
Christ in hearts of all that love me
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger
Song: The Prayer of St. Patrick (The Cambridge Singers; John Rutter)
May 5, 2022: The story of Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar his Son is told in the book of Daniel. Here we find that Belshazzar enlisted Daniel to tell him about the writing on the wall. Nebuchadnezzar, his father, was blessed by God but in his arrogance things soon changed. Daniel 5:20-21 says that Nebuchadnezzar during the fullness of his reign became bitter and God removed His spirit from him: 20 “But when his heart and mind were puffed up with arrogance, he was brought down from his royal throne and stripped of his glory. 21 He was driven from human society. He was given the mind of a wild animal, and he lived among the wild donkeys. He ate grass like a cow, and he was drenched with the dew of heaven, until he learned that the Most-High God rules over the kingdoms of the world and appoints anyone he desires to rule over them.”
So, God stripped him of his reign, what does that have to do with me? In the world today, I feel this is where people have landed in the realm of spirituality. They have become bitter and arrogant imagining that they can do anything they desire and it will never catch up to them. I have observed two different responses to God this week. The first was in a parking lot at The UPS Store. First, a little background before I tell you the story. When I went to get my new car tag at the county clerk, the receptionist asked me whether I wanted “In God we trust” over the Tennessee crest or without it. I chose to place it on my tag for reasons I will not share. As I was driving, I realized that this could possibly be a great conversation starter with people in the community. Now to continue my story, I went to send a package at the UPS store and parked next to a lady who did not have those words on her license plate. I decided I would try to start a conversation. I first asked her permission to ask a question. She was kind and willing to participate. Here is the question: Did you have a choice to place “In God We Trust” on your car license plate? I asked it this way not knowing if she got it through the county clerk office, mail or online and even had a choice. Her answer was as I suspected. She said, Yes, I did. May I ask why you chose to leave it off? Her response was simple, God has not done anything for me so why would I want to place that on my plate. I don’t go to church, nor do I want to go to church. Okay, I got my answer. Our conversation continued for a couple more sentences and then we went about our business for the day. Not shocking but still a little unexpected. My second experience was simply an observation on Facebook. I noticed someone had posted about an event they had experienced and one of the comments about the person was, “you know I’m not religious, but I know your story and love you”. I’ll leave it at that.
My heart was breaking for these individuals for two reasons. First, we as a church have become blind to the bitterness that has happened in society. Second, I have become blind as well. If these people have become bitter and arrogant about a Holy God who came and died for them, what has caused this? Further, who is responsible? What should be our response as a church, or as an individual? What people do I know that have these views? What can I do to help? What will be my response?
These rest of the story from Daniel continues as he explains to Nebuchadnezzar’s son, Belshazzar, that God had numbered his days for kingship, and that his actions as king were found wanting, so his kingdom would be divided. Soon after, Belshazzar died and the kingdom was divided just as Daniel said. We do not know if Belshazzar ever responded to the news that Daniel provided, but we do know that he presented Daniel with several gifts for revealing to him the interpretation of the writing on the wall. The point is this, if we become bitter in our own salvation will God’s spirit be removed from us also? I’m not saying we will lose our salvation, but I think if we push God to the side enough times, we become calloused to His presence and like a gentleman he will leave us alone.
I understand that when life is difficult, and prayers do not get answered that it is easy to give up on God and turn to bitterness. Even Jesus asked if his path could be removed from Him, but His spirit remained faithful continuing in the path God has chosen. If you are feeling the temptation to give up on God or feel that you have nothing to believe in anymore, let me encourage you to seek God and his wise counsel. God wants us to live our lives fully and He has plans for you. He will never lead you astray. I feel many people have squandered their relationship with God only to come to the end of life with regrets. When we see Jesus what will you say when he asks you why your relationship with Him took a back burner? Make a change today and realize that how we see our lives is not the way God sees them. He will fulfill everything He has promised. Hang in there and stay true to your relationship with Him.
Song: Each One, Reach One (Babbie Mason)
So, God stripped him of his reign, what does that have to do with me? In the world today, I feel this is where people have landed in the realm of spirituality. They have become bitter and arrogant imagining that they can do anything they desire and it will never catch up to them. I have observed two different responses to God this week. The first was in a parking lot at The UPS Store. First, a little background before I tell you the story. When I went to get my new car tag at the county clerk, the receptionist asked me whether I wanted “In God we trust” over the Tennessee crest or without it. I chose to place it on my tag for reasons I will not share. As I was driving, I realized that this could possibly be a great conversation starter with people in the community. Now to continue my story, I went to send a package at the UPS store and parked next to a lady who did not have those words on her license plate. I decided I would try to start a conversation. I first asked her permission to ask a question. She was kind and willing to participate. Here is the question: Did you have a choice to place “In God We Trust” on your car license plate? I asked it this way not knowing if she got it through the county clerk office, mail or online and even had a choice. Her answer was as I suspected. She said, Yes, I did. May I ask why you chose to leave it off? Her response was simple, God has not done anything for me so why would I want to place that on my plate. I don’t go to church, nor do I want to go to church. Okay, I got my answer. Our conversation continued for a couple more sentences and then we went about our business for the day. Not shocking but still a little unexpected. My second experience was simply an observation on Facebook. I noticed someone had posted about an event they had experienced and one of the comments about the person was, “you know I’m not religious, but I know your story and love you”. I’ll leave it at that.
My heart was breaking for these individuals for two reasons. First, we as a church have become blind to the bitterness that has happened in society. Second, I have become blind as well. If these people have become bitter and arrogant about a Holy God who came and died for them, what has caused this? Further, who is responsible? What should be our response as a church, or as an individual? What people do I know that have these views? What can I do to help? What will be my response?
These rest of the story from Daniel continues as he explains to Nebuchadnezzar’s son, Belshazzar, that God had numbered his days for kingship, and that his actions as king were found wanting, so his kingdom would be divided. Soon after, Belshazzar died and the kingdom was divided just as Daniel said. We do not know if Belshazzar ever responded to the news that Daniel provided, but we do know that he presented Daniel with several gifts for revealing to him the interpretation of the writing on the wall. The point is this, if we become bitter in our own salvation will God’s spirit be removed from us also? I’m not saying we will lose our salvation, but I think if we push God to the side enough times, we become calloused to His presence and like a gentleman he will leave us alone.
I understand that when life is difficult, and prayers do not get answered that it is easy to give up on God and turn to bitterness. Even Jesus asked if his path could be removed from Him, but His spirit remained faithful continuing in the path God has chosen. If you are feeling the temptation to give up on God or feel that you have nothing to believe in anymore, let me encourage you to seek God and his wise counsel. God wants us to live our lives fully and He has plans for you. He will never lead you astray. I feel many people have squandered their relationship with God only to come to the end of life with regrets. When we see Jesus what will you say when he asks you why your relationship with Him took a back burner? Make a change today and realize that how we see our lives is not the way God sees them. He will fulfill everything He has promised. Hang in there and stay true to your relationship with Him.
Song: Each One, Reach One (Babbie Mason)
May 3, 2022: No matter how hard I try it seems that everything comes before my time and meditation with Jesus. Something always rises to take me off course. I believe that Satan does not want us to have a relationship with Jesus and that he is very real and tries to thwart the people of God at every turn. Satan accomplishes this in very sly and devious ways. He does not do it in plain sight; he uses what he knows about our lives and the human condition to prevent us from spending time with Jesus. He knows that is where our strength lies. He may keep us busy, show us ways to be over involved in life so that there is no other time for Jesus. As a child, I always thought that Satan could hear my thoughts and was everywhere I was, but as an adult I realized that only God is omniscient (knowing everything), omnipresent (everywhere at once), and omnipotent (all powerful). Satan is none of these things. Our job is to recognize when Satan is leading us astray or making life so busy that we ignore our time with God. Once we do that, we can ask for God to give us the strength to adjust our time we have to connect to Him. God is more powerful than Satan; God knows our hearts and desires and can hear our inner thoughts. So, when Satan derails your life, simply say to him out loud, “In the Name of Jesus, leave me alone Satan.” You will be surprised at the power in the name of Jesus and how fast Satan will flee from you. For me, this is something I must do daily. Satan is slick and cunning; he strikes me where I least expect. I have to be ready for anything. In Luke 4:35 we find Jesus healing a demon possessed man. After the demon proclaims Jesus as the Son of God, Jesus says: “Be quiet! Come out of the man,” he ordered. At that, the demon threw the man to the floor as the crowd watched; then it came out of him without hurting him further.” (NLT) Jesus spoke aloud to the demon. I feel sure he could have just ejected him from the man without saying a word, but he spoke aloud and rebuked the demon to leave the man alone. We must be strong like Jesus, recognize where Satan he makes us busy, and stand our holy ground by telling Satan to leave us alone in the Name of Jesus. Only then will our relationship with Jesus prosper.
Song: Jesus Will Still Be There (Point of Grace)
Song: Jesus Will Still Be There (Point of Grace)
Thursday, April 28, 2022: Most people believe that when they begin following Christ their lives will become simpler, easier with more blessings. Jesus clearly stated that if they persecuted Him, they would persecute His followers. Most people, like me, think the following: let me get this straight; I surrender my life to you and now my troubles begin? That does not seem correct, does it? Or does it? Can we trust a God that says we must follow Him even through the fiercest of storms? Paul reminds us that we are not fighting against physical forces but the invisible spiritual world. Because Jesus gave up His place with the Father to become human and saved people like you and me from a life of sin and the effects that sin has on our lives, Satan has declared war on anyone who follows Jesus. We are holy targets. If Jesus can give up His power and glory to save humanity, then it seems logical that the few problems we experience on earth are worth the salvation of our souls. King David experienced this firsthand when running from Saul, he placed his faith in God who had appointed him King over Israel. David lived a life committed to God experiencing many hardships but God protected him during the storms. He did not remove the storms but provided strength to endure. In Psalm 18:19-20 David proclaims his salvation, “He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me. The Lord rewarded me for doing right; he restored me because of my innocence.” Did you read that right? God considered David innocent because of his commitment to Him. God considers us innocent when He looks at us through the lens of the work of Jesus on the cross. He provides a ‘place of safety’ while we endure the storms of spiritual warfare. If you are in a storm, don’t worry, God will give you strength too. He will provide a covering for you during the crisis you are experiencing; only trust in Him. When the storm is over, look for His hand until you see the good that God provides following the storm. Our God is good and is faithful to the end providing something wonderful out of the storms.
Song: Battle Belongs to the Lord; (Phil Wickham)
Song: Battle Belongs to the Lord; (Phil Wickham)
April 26, 2022: I John 2:1-2 states: “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” – How reassuring! God does not expect us to be perfect. He only expects us to have a relationship with Him through the help of the Holy Spirit. We all sin often and honestly it is part of our DNA, but John says that when we do sin Jesus is talking to the Father on our behalf so that our sin is washed away and remembered no more. So, does that mean we can forego confession to Jesus? Absolutely not! Like any Father with his children, Jesus wants us to recognize where we have fallen and ask for forgiveness, whether it be in corporate worship, or in personal worship time with Him. Confession is an important part of the Christian walk; it clears our conscience, reminds us that we are human and must rely on the Trinity for help daily. Today, take time to confess those things to Jesus where you have failed. He is quick to forgive and remembers our sins no more; plus, it will help your emotional outlook on your day.
Song: Where the Nails Were (Sandi Patty)
Song: Where the Nails Were (Sandi Patty)
April 21, 2022: John 15:12-17 says, 12 “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other.” We find this command by Jesus in several of the gospels. In fact, most of John focuses on love, it must have been something John heard often from the lips of Jesus. We are commanded to love, so why do we find it so hard to love those around us? We all are different and have various talents but if someone else is afforded an opportunity then we become jealous and envious of their situation. Perhaps it is a new person who enters our congregation and is radically different from us but loves Jesus just the same. Can we love them but not like them? Maybe we need to see the world from the eyes of Jesus and have compassion for those around us.
Song: Love One Another - Steve Green
Song: Love One Another - Steve Green
April 19, 2022: Jesus has risen from the dead, he is now appearing to the disciples frequently and teaching them things that need to be clarified before he goes to heaven to be with the Father. One of the questions circling in the disciples’ head I imagine is “What are we going to do? How will Jesus reveal himself to the Romans and claim his people, Israel?” Little did they know that he was teaching them this before he died and now after his resurrection to continue the work of the Kingdom without him. They will be the ones to reveal Jesus to the world. If that is true of the disciples, then it is true for us. The question is, “How do we live a Kingdom focused life?” Jesus says in John 14:21, “Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.” People have asked me, “I have accepted and believe on the Lord Jesus, but I slip sometimes and sin. Am I still going to heaven?” The quick answer is yes, but the longer one takes a little explanation. While we all sin and fall short, Jesus wants us to keep his commandments so he can reveal his character and plans to us. When he reveals those plans, we can give our lives over to be changed and use our lives to bring the Kingdom of God closer. If we continue in our sin, sin blocks the roadway that reveals the character of Jesus and what he has planned for our lives. This is why we should confess our sin daily to Jesus, so nothing stands in the way of our relationship with Him.
Song: Forgive Me - (Nicole Mullen)
Song: Forgive Me - (Nicole Mullen)